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DNA-Based Identification of Animal Species in Livestock Products DNA-Based Identification of Animal Species in Livestock Products

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I. Norakmar, A.A. Aziah, G. Ketty, H. Roosnoor Farkhan, I.C. Nurwahyuna, R. Liliyana and I. Faridah

The objective of this study is to carry cut identification of species in livestock products by using DNA analysis approach. Public concern over adulteration in raw and processed livestock products raise the needs to conduct regular monitoring on the animal contents of these products to ensure it is as labeled. The samples come from various sources sent by the customers and state DepaRTment of Veterinary Services to the Veterinary Public Realth Laboratory (VPHL) for species identification analysis. Both raw and processed livestock products undergo DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify the animal species origin of the product. Due to the complex matrices of both raw and processed livestock products, the DNA extraction was carried out using two DNA extraction and purification kit; DNeasy? Blood and Tissue Kit from QIAGEN and Nucleospin? Food from Machcrey-Nagel. Extracted DNA was analyzed using conventional PCR method for DNA concentration of 10.0 ng/?l and above and real time PCR (RT-PCR) method for DNA concentration of less than 10.0 ng/?I. Four different species (cattle, buffalo, pig and chicken) were successfully identified in the livestock products analyzed using both conventional PCR and RT-PCR methods .

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Categories: Penyelidikan Kesihatan Awam Veterinar
Tags: KAV