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Macro-Mineral, Trace Element and Heavy Metal Concentrations in Fresh Cow Milk from the Central Zone of Peninsular Malaysia

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Faridah, F.I, I. Norakamar, M. Khairunnisak, I. Lzwan and Rosnani

Mineral and trace elements concentrations in fresh milk vary according to two kinds of factors, i)those related with secretion from the mammary gland, such as the lactation state, animal species and health status, and ii) extrinsic factors, such as season, dairy cattle ration (nutritional status of cow) and environment (nature of soil and locality of the Farm). Mineral content may represent a valid instrument to evaluate both the nutritional status in milch animals and the nutritional value of their milk. On the other hand, the presence of trace elements and heavy metals may be an indicator of pollution in the environment where milk is produced. In this study, concentrations of minerals, trace elements and heavy metals in fresh milk from three states in peninsular Malaysia were determined by ICP-MS. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LUA) was used to classify according to geographical location. A total of 48 fresh milk samples from Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and Selangor in month of October 2013 were analysed where each samples was tested for five minerals (Na, K, P, Ca and Mg), seven trace elements (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, Al, Cr) and six heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Sn, Sb). The results of five minerals content did not show significant different between the three states. From the seven trace elements tested, Cu and Cr did not show significant differences between the three states, but there were significant differences between the other elements in milk produced in Melaka and Selangor. Hg and Sn were detected in milk from all the three states at tow level. Low level of Cd, As and Sb were detected in milk from Melaka only. Pb was detected in milk from all the three states but samples from Melaka were significantly higher compared to samples from Selangor and Negeri Sembilan .

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Categories: Penyelidikan Kesihatan Awam Veterinar
Tags: KAV