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Preliminary Study On Body Weight Estimation Of Malin Sheep Using Body Measurements

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Mastura Yaakob,, Mohd-Hafiz Abdul Rahman, Ernie Muneerah Mohd. Adhan,, Salleh Sheikh Ibrahim & Mohd Hafizal Ahmad

Estimating the live weight for animals using body measurements is practical, faster, easier and cheaper . Different models might be needed to predict body weight in different environmental condition and breeds. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine the best fitted regression model for prediction of live weight of Malin Sheep in Malaysia using different linear body measurements.A total 33 individuals (12 males and 21 females) of Malin sheep aged a year and above from National Institute of Veterinary Biodiversity, Jerantut were used in this study.The data of body length (BL), body weight (BW), rump height (RH), withers height (WH) and heart girth (HG) measurement were evaluated. Linear body measurement were recorded using tailor?s tape while the body weight for each animal was measured using a digital scale. The data generated was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science Version 20.0. Data was grouped on the basis of sex and within each group, weight was regressed on body measurements using general linear model and regression analysis. Comparison of regression equations was based on coefficient of determination (R2). Stepwise regression was used for determination of the most suitable model in prediction of live weight using different body measurement. Results obtained in present study would be useful and helpful to farmers and animals scientists who are involved in small ruminant?s research.

Categories: Penyelidikan Pembiakbakaan dan Biodiversiti Ternakan
Tags: Breed