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Short Communication : Microbiological Quality Of Local Milk Submitted To Regional Veterinary Laboratories In 2017

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Khairunnisak M., Chandrawathani P., Tariq J., Saira Banu M.R., Faizah Hanim M.S., Zulkifli A., Santhi M. And Marzuki Z.

Raw milk from local dairy farmers sent to Pusat Pengumpulan Industri Tenusu (PPITs) or the Milk Industries Collection Centre are subject to platform tests based on a milk acceptance criteria, and are also submitted to the Regional Veterinary Laboratories for the total plate count (TPC) test. The TPC test result is also used for milk grading which determines the payment to the farmer. This study evaluated the percentage of raw milk samples (analysed by regional veterinary laboratories) with TPC results exceeding the limits to estimate the the quality of local milk. From January to August 2017, a total of 3,417 raw milk samples from 16 PPITs were analysed by Kuantan Regional Veterinary Laboratory (MVKK), Johor Bahru Regional Veterinary Laboratory (MVKJB), Bukit Tengah Regional Veterinary Laboratory (MVKBT) and Kota Bharu Regional Veterinary Laboratory (MVKKB). The acceptable TPC in raw milk was 1?106 cfu/ml or lower. Overall, 1,632 (48%) of the 3,417 samples were detected to have TPC results above the acceptable limit. The percentage of samples above the acceptable limit in decreasing order were from MVKJB (64%), MVK BT (25%), MVKKB (4%) and MVKK (1%). These results could be used by policy makers to improve the hygiene and safety of production from farm to table to ensure that good quality milk is available for the country.

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Categories: Penyelidikan Kesihatan Awam Veterinar
Tags: KAV